納谷公司是由德國zweibrüder公司投資建成,廠區占地面積10.3萬平方米。公司現有員工800多人,包括一批高素質的管理人員、工程技術人員等。.公司產品由德國設計,曾多次獲得red dot、if等國際大獎并擁有200多項專利。主要以設計、生產、銷售節能環保的led系列手電筒、燈具和發光產品為主。.公司有標準的足球場、籃球場、多功能室內羽毛球體育館和雄偉寬敞的辦公大樓以及科技院、陽江南恩街和北京四合院員工宿舍等生活配套設施。.公司是集科研開發、設計制造、學習培訓為一體的獨具德國特色的現代化高科技企業,公司的使命是為光學革命貢獻力量!.led lenser co.,ltd. is independently invested and constructed by zweibruder from germany. the factory covers an area of 103,000 ㎡, with over 800 employees, including numbers of highly qualified management, engineering and technical staff..the company is mainly engaged in the design, production and sale of energy-saving and environment-friendly led flashlights, lamps and light-emitting products. the products are designed in germany, which have won red dot, if and other international awards with over 200 patents..we have a standard football field, a basketball court, a multi-purpose indoor badminton stadium and magnificent office buildings as well as perfect living facilities for staff..led lenser is a modern high-tech enterprise with german characteristics, which involves research & development, design & manufacture, learning & training together. the company's mission is making contributions to the optical revolution!