The history of EMS began as the General Plate Company which was incorporated in Rhode Island in 1916. The first General Plate building was constructed in Attleboro, MA in 1926.
EMS公司的歷史開始于1916年創建于羅德島洲的General Plate公司,1926年在馬塞諸薩州阿特波羅建立**座General Plate大樓。
The Metals & Controls Company was formed in 1931 by a merger between the General Plate and the Spencer Thermostat Company. In 1959, Texas Instruments Incorporated purchased the Metals & Controls Company.
金屬&控制公司于1931年由General Plate和Spencer溫控器公司合并而成。1959年,德州儀器公司收購金屬&控制公司。
Texas Instruments re-aligned the businesses on several occasions with the major emphasis being on clad materials and control products.
During 2000, Texas Instruments sold the clad materials business to a financial entity headed by Blue Point Capital partners. EMS was incorporated later that year.
EMS is a leading supplier of custom engineered material systems, serving the appliance, automotive, climate, electrical, HVAC, industrial and telecom markets.
EMS China was established on Nov. 8, 2005, and the operation facility is located in Italian Indurstrial Park, North Suzhong Rd., Baoying, Jiangsu. Total investment capital is USD10 million and total investment is USD20 million. The major business scope is: produce and develope of bi-metal and clad metal material.
2005年11月8日EMS公司在中國投資建立銥美特殊合金[中國]有限公司, 其經營地址位于江蘇省寶應縣蘇中北路意大利工業園內,注冊資本為1000萬美元,總投資計2000萬美元。經營范圍包括研發、生產有色金屬復合材料及新型合金材料