云南愛貝特科技有限公司經省藥監局、昆明市工商局于2008年7月15日批準注冊,是一家集配件組裝、經銷 批發、代理銷售的私營有限責任公司,年銷售額達1000萬,主要以醫療衛生裝備、電子產品、辦公家具、醫院配 套家具(包括輸液椅、排椅、床頭柜、病床、各種柜類、工作臺的訂制)、實驗室家具的訂制、架類、電動床、 對接床、雙搖床的組裝及銷售。云南愛貝特是一個年輕的、充滿朝氣的、發展中的公司,創辦人有著豐富的市場 運作能力及嚴謹的團隊協作精神,本著"誠信經營、品質卓越"的營銷理念在迅速成長。產品銷往全國各地及出 口東南亞市場。
愛貝特自成立以來一直秉承"為客戶提供優質產品、服務、一切為客戶需求訂制"的服務理念,我們 擁有為客戶提供專業的設計、施工團隊,以優質的服務及精湛的技術贏得客戶的滿意。
公司將抓住改革發展機遇,依托自身優勢和多種資源,在醫院配套家具的設計創新及手術室和ICU運營、醫 療科技高新業務領域快速拓展,快速成長,努力實現公司持續、穩定、健康地發展. Yunnan Abet Technology Co.,Ltd. was registered in Kunming, register capital is 1millionRMB, It mainly runs medical equipment , electronic product, meeting system, office furniture, hospital furniture( including the packaging ,selling and after service of infusion chair, registration chair, ordinary bed, electronic bed, cupboard, medicine cupboard, working table, nurse station, wardrobe, concentrating shelf and so on). Abet is a young vigorous developing company, it supplies professional ability in design and manufacture for every customer. Nowadays, Abet catches the big chance of national reform and development in healthcare practitioner, depend on self-strength and resource, extending business in hospital area and digital area. With the principle of “good faith, excellent quality” and the founder‘s rich supervisory experience in marketing and strict teamwork spirit. Abet is growing up quickly. Abet always supplies good quality products to please our customers.