萊蕪永馳橡塑有限責任公司是由原山東省交通廳萊蕪輪胎廠改制而成的股份制企業,始建于1963年,地處泰山腳下,萊蕪境內,公司廠區占地面積40000平方米,建筑面積11000平方米,擁有總資產4630萬元,其中固定資產3000萬元,注冊資金600萬元。(Laiwu Yongchi Rubber And Plastic Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock enterprise reformed from the original Laiwu Tire Factory of the Traffic Department of Shandong Province. It was established in 1963, located in laiwu City at the foot of Mountain Tai. Factory building area of the company is 40000 square meters and the area of structure is 22000 square meters. The company has total assets of RMB 46.30 million, among which the fixed assets is RMB 30.00 million, and the registered capital is RMB 6.00 million.)
萊蕪永馳是國內主要的汽車傳動帶系列產品的供應商;集設計、開發、生產和銷售為一體的傳動膠帶專業生產企業。具有汽車V帶和汽車多楔帶等三條大型專業生產線,其中切邊式汽車V帶年生產能力為500萬條,多楔帶生產能力為300萬條,汽車同步帶生產能力為72萬條。(It is the main domestic supplier for the series products of automobile transmission belt,and the specialized producing enterprise of transmission belt combining with designing, developing,producing and sale. It equips with three large specialized production lines of automobile V-belt and automobile multi-wedged belt, of which annual production capacity of the edge-trimming automobile V-belt is 5.00 million,multi-wedged belt 3.00 million and the automobile aynchronous belt sunchronous belt 0.72 million.)