余姚市金諾天平儀器有限公司是專業生產各類電子天平的企業,企業經過多年的發展,目前主要生產:T D型數字式電子天平、JF/JT電子分析天平、TS靜水力學天平、YP系列可充電天平。公司經不斷的技術革新,潛心研制出來的 JT單體模塊傳感器技術,選用高強度鋁合金材料,一次加工成型,減少了50%以上的零部件,使天平對溫度及外界的影響大大降低,從而使得測量結果精確性更高,響應速度更快,故障更少。
Yuyao JINNUO & Shanghai HENGJI company,one of the market leaders for balance business in China since 1997.With our 2 factories ,150 workers and more than 20 designs(analytical , precision, jewelry sets...)We are professional manufacturer engaged in the research, development, sales and service of electronic balances. We have twenty years of experience in electronic balance engineering and have a good reputation in this field. Our products have won praise from customers worldwide. Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction. In recent years,we are introducing a seriesof advanced equipment, including electronicprecision balances, analytical balances, touch screen electronic balances and other analytical instruments.We always welcome OEM and ODM orders.Whether selecting a current product from our product range or seeking engineering assistance for your application,you can always refer to our customer service center for your queries.