長安福特馬自達發動機有限公司 .changan ford mazda engine co., ltd .長安福特馬自達發動機有限公司由重慶長安汽車股份有限公司、福特汽車公司、馬自達汽車公司三家公司合資組建。公司坐落于江寧經濟開發區內。總投資額逾3.5億美元,是目前國內規模大的發動機生產廠之一。.changan ford mazda engine co., ltd is a joint-venture which is invested by chongqing changan automobile corporation ltd., ford motor company and mazda motor company. the company is located in the jiangning economic & technological development zone. the total investment is over 350 million usd, which is one of the largest engine plants in china..長安福特馬自達發動機有限公司于2005年9月27日奠基開始建設,計劃于2007年初正式批量生產。.changan ford mazda engine co., ltd held the ground breaking ceremony on sept, 27th, 2005. the company will produce petrol automobile engines and will reach full scale production in early 2007. .長安福特馬自達發動機有限公司將采用可變正時、tscv(進氣漩渦控制閥)等先進技術,生產具有世界先進水平的發動機系列。長安福特馬自達發動機有限公司擁有先進的生產工藝,涵蓋鑄造、機加及裝配等主要生產線,其建成投產必將推動中國汽車產業的進一步發展。.the engines which will be produced by changan ford mazda engine co., ltd are 'state of the art' with tscv advanced technology, fuel efficient, and with excellent environment protection performance. changan ford mazda engine co., ltd production processes include the latest manufacturing processes for casting, machining and assembly operations. the successful launch and establishment of cfme will also help the further development of the auto industry of china..公司本著“同心共志,驅動未來”的理念,致力于塑造和諧的工作氛圍,注重人才的培養和發展。公司將提供具有競爭力的薪資福利和系統的培訓機會,為您提供良好的個人發展機會,我們在此誠邀您的加盟。.based on the spirit of "powering the future with same hearts and wills", we will establish the harmony working environment by caring the employees personal development. we will provide a competitive compensation & benefits package and also training opportunities for selected employees. we will also provide you with good personal development opportunities. we welcome your interest and sincerely looking forward to seeing your application to join our company.. .地 址:南京江寧開發區誠信大道嘉盛it工業園2幢 長安福特馬自達發動機有限公司.address: building 2, jiasheng it industrial zone, chengxing street, jiangning development zone, nanjing, p.r.china.郵政編碼:211100.postal code: 211100.聯 系 人:人力資源部 招募組收.contacts: recruitment team ,hr department. .傳真機號碼:025-51186089.fax :025-51186089.電子郵箱:cfmehr@ford.mail-box: cfmehr@ford