長春一汽實業精密彈簧有限公司是跟隨著中國汽車事業步伐而發展起來的。企業經歷了三次大的轉變,從車間、廠到公司,幾十年來始終為一汽配套生產各種車型的精密彈簧。也是一汽轎車、輕型車和中、重型車型各種彈簧的科研、試制、生產基地,特別是汽車制動系統的系列產品,已成為用戶的主要供應商。 企業堅信“滿足用戶的需求,是企業生存的根本”。 企業主要產品為直徑φ0.3mm-φ8.0mm鋼絲的拉、壓、扭、異型彈簧,配套于轎、輕、微、中、重型車。在立足一汽的同時,大力開拓國內外市場,份額不斷的提高。目前,已經為大眾、日產、長安、華晨、神龍、昌河、奇瑞、夏利、吉利、羚羊等品牌整車廠、整機配套,同時還出口美國、伊朗等國家。雄厚的技術力量,完善的檢測設施,嚴格的質量管理體系,贏得了用戶的好評和榮譽。使產品品種多樣化、系列化、品質優良化。近幾年,不僅在汽車行業大顯身手,而且在航天、通信衛星及國家科研試驗,參與研制遙感八號衛星有效載荷在軌應用成功。 企業堅持“質量**、顧客至上”的理念,按著ISO/TS16949:2009《質量管理體系 汽車生產件及相關維修零件組織應用ISO9001:2008的特別要求》標準要求,建立、實施并保持質量管理體系;將為提升研發能力、設計能力、質量保證能力、批量生產能力、成本控制能力奠定了基礎。(詳見公司網頁)
Changchun FAW Industrial Precision Spring Co., Ltd. developed along with Chinese auto industry. It experienced three major changes from workshop to factory and to company, it provided various precision springs for vehicle from FAW. It is also a base of research trial production and manufacture for springs of FAW Cars, light vehicles and heavy vehicles. It has become a major supplier in China. Company believes "To meet customs demands is crucial for survival". The main products of the diameter φ0.3mm φ8.0mm wire tension and compression, twisted, shaped spring, supporting the passenger car, light vehicle, minicar, medium and heavy vehicles, Market share at home and abroad continue to improve besides FAW. At present, Volkswagen, Nissan, Changan, Brilliance, Dragon, Changhe, Chery, Charade, Geely and other brand OEMs, machine matching, and also exported to the United States, Iran and other countries. Strong technical force, improved testing facilities, strict quality management system, won the praise and honor of the user.Diversification of product variety, series, good quality were archieved. In recent years, not only play an active role in the automotive industry, and in the aerospace, communications satellites and the national scientific research and experiments participation in the development remote sensing on the 8th satellite payload on-orbit applications. Company believes in "quality first, customer first" , quality management system is established and maintained according to the ISO/TS16949: 2009 quality management system for automotive production and relevant service part organizations to apply ISO9001: 2008 , which is basic of the R & D ability, quality assurance capabilities, production capacity and cost control.