東莞市友榮家具有限公司是一家集加工、銷售于一體的加工型企業。我司30年以來專業從事木皮拼花領域中各項精細化、批量化深加工的現代化木業制造企業,供應各種木皮貼面 、木皮拼花等工序。總部位于享譽**出口重鎮”之稱的東莞市大領山鎮。友榮專業生產各種具有高藝術價值的木皮藝術拼花(激光加工)、家具面板貼皮、天然貝殼拼花,木地板拼花,我們擅長加工各種高精復雜木皮藝術花加工等。友榮有著先進的生產設備雄厚的實力,經過多年的品牌營銷, 現在湖南郴州市設有多個賣場,目前在東莞制造廠主要服務全國各地的家具上游企業,更希望能和國際上的廠家合作。
友榮家具本著“誠信為本、永續經營”的理念,全體員工一直在努力提高生產技術力量, 并不斷完善客戶服務體系,力求以實實在在的成績歡迎各界朋友的蒞臨。后祝各位商界朋友 生意興隆,財源廣進!
YR Furniture Co., Ltd., Dongguan City, is a set of processing, and sales of processing enterprises. Our company specializes in the veneer of the fine, the bulk of modern wood deep processing enterprises, the supply of all kinds of veneer , veneer parquet and other processes may stop complete thirty years. Headquartered in renowned veneer parquet first outlet center, "said Town of Dongguan City, a large collar. Yau Wing specializes in the production of high artistic value, veneer parquet veneer, flowers floor fight, we are best at processing high-quality veneer and decorative veneer production and art flowers. You Rong has advanced production equipment and solid strength, after years of marketing, now has a number of stores in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, and is currently the main service in the city of Dongguan factory furniture companies also hope to other local manufacturers cooperation.
Friends Rong furniture in "good faith, and sustainable management" concept, the staff has been working to improve production technology, and constantly improve customer service system, and strive to tangible achievements welcome friends from all walks of life here. Finally, I wish you business is booming business friends, plenty of money!