本公司主要經營航空地面設備,民用機場運行保障設備、飛機實驗地面設備、航空地面實驗設備以及民用航空器地面接收設備等,本公司提供相關資訊服務,也自產同類商品,例如發動機支撐架,三腳架,千斤頂,拖拉桿等方面處于世界地位,并可以按照客戶的要求制造和維修,并獲得了相關的OEM licensee認證。總部設在法國,子公司遍布世界。
DEDIENNE AEROSPACE is a world leading manufacturer of Ground Support Equipment: engine stands, tripod jacks, axle jacks, towbars and Maintenance Tooling following OEM licensed drawings or our very own designs. Please feel free to enter and browse our web site, you will find products and solutions to meet all your requirements. For further information or to have any queries answered just contact the Dedienne location that corresponds to your geographical area, we will be more than welcome to discuss and help you with your future maintenance requirements.