義烏市重泰五金工具有限公司專業生產砂紙、砂布、砂帶、鋼紙磨片、拉絨磨片、切割片、百葉輪等磨料磨具產品,廣泛應用于汽車、航空、船舶、建筑安裝等行業。另有涂附磨具衍生產品,指甲銼、腳底挫、指甲拋光器等個人護理工具。我公司擁有先進的生產設備和完善的管理機構, 產品已銷往全國各地,銷往中國各地市場,并銷往美國、日本、德國、法國、印度、新加坡、韓國、丹麥、科威特、阿聯酋、中東等20多個國家和地區。伴隨科技進步,我公司將不斷的有新產品問世,還可為客戶設計或按圖紙制造異型工具,不斷地為客戶提供技術,價格合理,質量可靠的產品。
我公司宗旨是:團結、誠信、創新、卓越。成立以來,憑著誠信的企業精神,執行精益求精的質量方針,已與國內外多家企業建立了長期的合作關系。長期供貨給百安居,沃爾瑪,Big Lots等,并代理圣戈班的諾頓品牌。
我們竭誠希望與您合作,共創美好未來!products as the customers’ design or sample. Our products have beed sold thoughout our country and the market coverage has reached 90%. Furthermore, our products have been sold to many foreign countries and areas, such as America, Japan, Germany, France, India, Singapore, Korea, Demark, Kuwait, The United Arab Emirates, and Isreal. With the development of science and technology, we can create other new products and provide our costumers with advanced service.
The mission of our company is focusing on quality, abiding by contract and delivering goods in time. Reasonable price, best quality and customers first.
Welcome to visit us and cooperate together.