PRO Lighting (Art Illuminacaco Chun Ip), is one of Macau’s leading home improvement lighting retailers since 1989. The business sells a wide variety of lighting products for high-end market. In October 2007, the company shifted its focus from commercial lighting to family lighting and crystal chandeliers. To complement and enhance the company’s new and expanding product range, strategic alliances and exclusive dealerships have been established with selected suppliers to market products under a variety of well-recognized brand names. For instance, in connection with its move into the sale of high end crystal chandeliers, we became the first official distributor of Swarovski crystal in Macau along with Asfour and Philaz.
Swarovski - Austria
Asfour Crystal - Egypt
IRIS Crystal - Spain
Ashley Furniture Industries - USA
In an effort to expand its market share in the lighting industry and take advantage of the growth of internet dominance with respect to sales, a corporate decision was made to open a US business and China. We anticipated the strong Internet presence would serve an unique competitive advantage. As the result of the company’s endeavor, we have doubled annual revenue in 3 years. In 2010, we have expanded a new retail to increase product range by 30 percent. As the Macau (0.7 million population) market has been saturated, the coming year, our goal is to expand the proven business model into Zhu-Hai with a population of over 1.5 million. Additionally, the company ventures into a fuller integration of home decoration service from home furnitures to lighting products. This initiative may vastly multiply the revenue per customer ratio as opposed to lighting solution only business model. The success of replicating this respective business model in this new location would increase the potential of domino effect solidifying a franchise model in Southern China and perhaps beyond.
Distributor of Swarovski and European Products
專業燈飾公司,是一家自1989年以來便在澳門的家居照明零售商。公司主要銷售各種的照明產品。從2007年10月開始,公司將重點從商業照明轉移到家庭照明和水晶燈飾。 為了增強和提高公司的創新性,擴大產品的范圍,公司已經與各知名品牌的供應商建立起戰略聯盟,并成為其獨家經銷商。
施華洛世奇 - 奧地利
(阿斯芙)水晶 - 埃及
IRIS水晶 - 西班牙
愛室麗家居 -美國
為了在照明行業擴大市場份額,利用了互聯網優勢對銷售的增長,公司開展了美國和中國的業務。我們預計這一強大的網站將形成獨特的競爭優勢。結果,我們的年收入在3年內翻了一番。2010年,我們已經將零售產品的范圍擴大了30%。隨著澳門 (70 萬人口)的市場逐漸飽和,在未來,我們的目標是將可行的商業模式擴展到人口超過 150 萬的珠海。此外,公司在嘗試進入全面的整體家居裝飾服務,將家具到照明產品進行更充分的融合。這一舉措可能會促進每位客戶更多的消費,區別于之前僅提供家居照明的業務模式。在這新的位置成功復制這一商業模式,將會加快我們如多米諾效應般在華南地區開展特許經營模式的進程。