天云智能科技有限公司為澳門新宇宙科技實業有限公司(NovoSun Technology Limited)在中國國內之子公司。新宇宙科技有限公司為一間專業的智能視頻監控軟件開發企業,集設計、制造與售后服務于一體,銷售網路遍布**,提供客戶完整的智能監控解決方案。我們由專業的產品研發、市場銷售和技術支持團隊所組成,其中60%以上為具備碩博士學位的研發人員,在業界均有多年資深經驗。NovoSun強調嚴謹和創新的核心價值帶領著整個團隊文化,務求為客戶提供滿意和值得信賴的產品。
NovoSun Technology Limited is an IP CCTV software company. We are dedicated to provide customers with the best intelligent video surveillance (IVS) solution through our worldwide distributing network.
NovoSun's R&D, marketing and technical support teams are formed by professional, experienced and highly trained staff with over 60% of our employees holding postgraduate degrees. With our creative engineering and management team, we promise to keep producing innovative, reliable and revolutionizing products to customers along with high quality ee-centric service.