珠海中西電子科技有限公司(china 2 west)成立于2005年,是一間英資**性的設計及制造咨詢公司,總部位于風景優美的海濱城市珠海,并在世界多個國家駐有辦公室。公司客戶遍布**,產品組合范圍廣泛,品類繁多,包括醫療、機車、電子、家用電器、玩具、零部件、新奇產品、運動器材、和家具。公司始終秉承“西式服務,中式價格”的宗旨為客戶提供合理的價格及的服務。這里有來自不同國家和地區的員工,工作語言為英語,是一個很好的學習英語和了解外國文化、積累到豐富經驗的地方。 組織架構為:ceo、運營總監、財務總監,分管采購部、工程部、質量部、設計部、市場部、財務部和后勤部。
we are a brit owned and brit operated design, development and manufacturing organization with offices in the uk, us, canada, croatia and, of course, china. our core capabilities lie in delivering chinese manufactured products involving new or significantly re-developed products for the western market. as a sideline, we have also helped uk and us companies to move production to china with the minimum of disruption to their businesses.
with a growing team of engineers in many fields we are confident that no product is out of range of capabilities no matter how far along development or production it is.
china 2 west is capable of doing all aspects in getting an idea to market. from the design work and r&d, through prototyping and tooling the moulds. we then write the quality assurance plan and design the production plan then carefully follow this through until production is finished. delivery of goods is flexible in that we can store in our warehouses, drop ship or send all at once. china 2 west is also available for only any 1 of our services or qc of your existing production.
our corporate culture involves "western service, china price" ensuring all of our customers’ needs come first and at a price they can accept.