浙江省 磐安縣奧奇電子廠創辦于1998年。是一家有雄厚技術實力的科技型企業,專業從事家用干衣機、汽車車倒車雷達、汽車風扇、測距儀、金屬探測器、停車器,的設計開發、生產和銷售。 我廠嚴格按照 ISO9001-2000 質量體系進行規范管理。憑著精確的產品開發,敏銳的市場洞察,準確的市場定位和良好的銷售服務,多年來,本公司產品受到廣大客戶的一致好評。磐安縣奧奇電子廠已有很好的銷售網絡, 80% 產品出口,并遠銷歐美、中東、東南亞等國家和地區。 用心服務,以質量求生存,銷售優質產品的同時提供佳的服務,以確保客戶的滿意,使我們的企業持續發展。我們真誠歡迎您的惠顧,期待與您攜手共進 !
Zhejiang Pan'an Aoqi Electronic Factory is located in Pan'an County. Pan'an County is known as "zone othe model of the national ecosystem" and environmental sustainability. Our high tech facilities strictly adhere to the ISO9001-2000 quality control system. We proudly provide customers who demand only the highest standards of manufacturing, research & development with parking sensor systems, HID Lights, Car Parking Indicators, Ultrasonic Range Finders, and Metal Detectors, amongst a line of products designed for everyday use by vehicles across the world. We currently enjoy a well established business relationship with customers from home and abroad. Eighty-percent of our product is export destined for such areas as North and South America, Africa & the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Europe. We devote our energy to service and our resources to a strategy of development through quality. Our factory is located in the heart of beautiful Zhejiang province, served by convenient transportation and nestled in the breathtaking scenery of China’s mideastern seaboard. We welcome your interest and anticipate your future business cooperation with us.