長茳輔料主營鈕扣、拉鏈、金屬制品等服裝輔料的研發、制造與銷售,并具有一站式全程輔料接單能力.公司擁有多家實力雄厚的專業合作生產工廠,主要公布在廣東深圳等國內輔料加工區域。經過多年的努力,公司相繼為國際服裝品牌提供全程的服務與銷售.如 c&a、zara、h&m、uk、marks&spencer、 frieda&freddies、gerry weber、≡sprit等國際品牌,并在行業中率先通過1so9001/14001質量環境體系認證和oeko-texstandand100綠色環保認證。產品一直以高品質、精加工、超價值、優服務而享譽國內外。
chang jiang--- accessories expert by your side!
chang jiang accessories mainly deal with developing, manufacturing and saling garment accessories like buttons,zippers,metal trims etc. and have the ability to take various kinds of accessory orders.
our company have many professional partnership manufactures located in guangdong,shenzhen etc which are the areas producing high standard accessories.
we’re proude of serving many global brands and customers such as c&a、zara、h&m、uk、marks&spencer、 frieda&freddies、gerry weber、≡sprit. we have passed iso9001/14001 and oeko-texstandard100. with our continous efforts our products got good reputation on its quality, workmanship,value and service.
our company also pay attention to specific management. “quality,service,benefit,occupation,brand”are basic of management, expand talents are our important tactic, as talents are basic of an enterprise.we train them with our culture, agglomerate them with career,improve them with knowledge,assess them with outstanding achievement. as we know well,only with best price, high standard quality, efficient severice can make our company more stronger and long lasting.
chang jiang accessories will be your reliable partner.