吉雅(GIYA)國際貿易有限公司于2012年七月成立,總部設于美國華盛頓州大西雅圖地區,致力于原裝原瓶美國中精品葡萄酒的經營與銷售。本公司擁有專業美國本土采購團隊,為您搜索來自華盛頓州各著名產區和酒莊的高質量精品葡萄酒,通過品牌打造和美國葡萄酒文化傳播,力求為中國的葡萄酒愛好者引進優質高性價比的原裝美國葡萄酒! 吉雅將本著“誠信**、原瓶進口”的經營理念和服務宗旨,以顧客為中心、以市場為導向,把好產品關,為消費者提供信心的保證!
GIYA International Trading L.L.C. is a US registered import and export company based out of Seattle, Washington. Our mission is to introduce premium Washington State wine to China. Our team of wine professionals hand-select quality wines from different vineyards and wineries around Washington State. Through brand development and American wine culture promotion, we are committed in bringing our Chinese consumers the highest quality wine Washington State has to offer. At GIYA International Trading L.L.C., we strive to provide our customers with the best services. We hope to develop and maintain a mutually trusted long-term business relationship with our customers. Together, we bring our Chinese wine enthusiasts taste of quality authentic American wine.