浙江海利普電子科技有限公司成立于2001年,于2005年被danfoss(丹佛斯)納入旗下,成為其全資子公司。.海利普共有員工300人,是一家集研發、生產、銷售于一體的國家級高新技術企業,同時也是國內唯一一家擁有省級變頻研發中心的企業,其核心產品 hlp 系列變頻器,廣泛應用于紡織、化工、機床、塑料等行業,先后被列入“國家重點新產品”、“國家火炬計劃項目”,并于2004年被授于“浙江省名牌產品”、“國內具有競爭力的產品”,同時海利普也是國內大的變頻器生產廠家。.為了適應丹佛斯在中國建立第二家鄉市場的戰略,海利普依靠丹佛斯的強大支持,尋求高速發展,更加鞏固了海利普在國產變頻器領域的地位,同時逐漸成為丹佛斯旗下的傳動控制部在亞太地區的制造和物流中心。.founded in 2001, zhejiang holip electronic technology co., ltd. was incorporated by danfoss and became a member of it as a wholly-owned subsidiary in 2005.holip, with 300 employees at present, is a national high-tech enterprise with an integration of r&d;, production and marketing, meanwhile the only company in china having its own r&d; center for frequency conversion at provincial level. holip's core products are hlp series frequency converters broadly applied in the industries of textile, chemicals, mill, plastic and others, and have been listed successively in national major new products and national torch program of china and are entitled as zhejiang brand products and most competitive domestic products in 2004. holip is the largest manufacturer of frequency converter in china as well..in order to adapt to danfoss' strategy to make china the second home market, holip is now seeking high speed development with the powerful support from danfoss, which will further strengthen its leading position in home-made frequency converter manufacturers and will gradually become a manufacturing and logistics center of danfoss drives in the asia and pacific region.