浙江省綜合勘察研究院有限公司(FUGRO COMPREHENSIVE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION (ZHEJIANG) CO., LTD)由原浙江省綜合勘察研究院改制而成,它是1958年由**部委支援浙江建設而設立,是浙江省早的綜合性勘察設計單位之一,1987年首批獲建設部甲級資質,1993年被評為全國百強勘察單位,2002年首批獲建設部綜合甲級勘察資質。多年來規模不斷擴大,為浙江和全國部分省市的建設做出了貢獻,并培養了大批的工程技術人才。
從2003年起,為響應國家對勘察設計單位的體制改革,使勘察設計單位向企業化、社會化過渡,并使勘察設計管理轉變成現代企業化管理,浙江省綜合勘察研究院作為試點單位,先行步入改制程序,終于2005年3月由輝固集團取得了浙江省綜合勘察研究院整體產權的轉讓,在此基礎上輝固集團通過資金和技術的投入,成立全新的"浙江省綜合勘察研究院有限公司", 注冊資本為人民幣2500萬元,共投資達4000萬元。這是國內國際巖土工程界的強強聯合,它將充分利用雙方的資源優勢,進一步提高國內巖土工程的技術水平,為中國的現代化建設服務。
Fugro Comprehensive Geotechnical Investigation (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd originally comes from Zhejiang Comprehensive Investigation research Institute, which was set by central government in support of Zhejiang Province Construction. It is one of the earliest comprehensive investigation and Design Company of Zhejiang province, which got A license by Construction Department in 1987, won native 100 outstanding investigation company honor in 1993, got A license for comprehensive investigation by Construction Department. At these years, it upgraded it’s scope and trained lots of experienced engineering technicians and made great contribution for Zhejiang Province and many other provinces’construction.
From 2003, in order to meet the native investigation company’s system innovation and take adept in modern enterprise management, it worked as an experimental unit and turned into system-change procedure. Finally, Fugro Group takes its property right and invests to found Fugro Comprehensive Geotechnical Investigation (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. The new company have Register Capital RMB25, 000,000 and total investing RMB40, 000,000. This is a successful international combination, which fully use Fugro Group’s advantage to improve domestic geotechnical engineering and serve in Chinese Modernization Construction.
Fugro Comprehensive Geotechnical Investigation (Zhejiang) Co., LTD have “Engineering Comprehensive Investigation A licence” and other Geotechnique Expertise licence. It will introduce Fugro Group’s international experience and advanced technology into China to improve previous engineering investigation, engineering survey, foundation disposal, foundation pit design & monitor, foundation test etc. And we will contribute our effort in develop and apply advanced technology of Geotechnical Engineering, Marine Geology and Environment Geology to meet the Engineering Construction’ need.
Our tenet: Introduce into Fugro Group and other world advanced technology and management method to make Fugro Comprehensive Geotechnical Investigation (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd to be a modern and advanced enterprise in Engineering Investigation.
Our principle: absolute faith advanced technology, high quality and good service.