品牌故事brand story.mclon萬隆珠寶,誕生于1994年。.mclon萬隆珠寶是一家涉及珠寶設計、制造、批發、零售等多個領域的大型國際專業珠寶集團。多年來公司以國際化的視野、前瞻性的經營理念和科學化的管理方式迅速從中國珠寶行業中脫穎而出,成為中國珠寶市場的領軍品牌,也成為戴比爾斯集團、世界黃金協會和國際鉑金協會在中國重要的戰略合作伙伴之一。.mclon萬隆珠寶非常重視國際珠寶資源的整合,通過多年成功的國際性收購、兼并與合作,成為業界為數不多的掌握稀缺珠寶原料資源的專業公司,并與**26個國家數百個國際珠寶機構建立了長期而又緊密的合作關系。.mclon萬隆珠寶自創建以來,始終秉承專業的經營理念和服務精神,以不斷追求創新設計為品牌核心。公司斥巨資分別在意大利的佛羅倫薩和中國的香港設立了珠寶設計研發中心,致力于為消費者提供緊跟時尚潮流,又極具設計內涵的珠寶飾品。.mclon was established in 1994..mclon is an international large scale jewellery enterprise that engages in the fields of design, manufacture, wholesale, and retail. the company quickly broke out and became a leading brand in china jewellery market benefited from its international vision, prospective business philosophy, and scientific management for years. meanwhile, mclon is one of the most important strategic partners of de beers group, world gold council, and platinum guild international in china market. .mclon attaches great importance to the integration of global jewellery resources. it is one of the few professional companies that hold scarce resources of raw materials in jewellery industry through successful acquisition, merger, and cooperation globally during these years. furthermore, mclon has established long-term while close partnership with hundreds of international jewellery organizations in 26 countries worldwide. .since its establishment, mclon has been carrying on professional business management and customer service, with seeking innovative design as the core of the brand. the company made a huge investment in setting up design and product development centers in florence and hong kong respectively, committing to provide fashion, trendy but connotative jewellery designs to its consumers.