WARTSILA CME Zhenjiang Propeller Co.,Ltd
在瓦錫蘭總部的技術支持下, 2011年中船瓦錫蘭已開始生產可調槳。可調槳由瓦錫蘭公司設計,在國內由中船瓦錫蘭負責生產和銷售,代表著瓦錫蘭公司的品牌和質量理念。
Email 郵箱:hr@wartsila-cme
Wartsila CME Zhenjiang Propeller Co.,Ltd is a JV established in June, 2004 contributed by Finnish Company Wartsila Technology OY (55%) and Zhenjiang CME Company Ltd.(45%). We utilize the most modern technology and our long experience to ensure top class product and service. Range of product and service is: propeller and shaftline design, FPP accessories, shafeline, CPP components and FPP packages. Now JV is undertaking third phase investment. New technology and production line for CPP will be transferred from Europe to China, there will be more foreign experts.