We are looking to build a team that will help to revolutionize the way we use Internet. This team shall be the core team, future members shall have to follow the blueprint that is set by this alpha team.
This organization shall be a US invested company. The objective is to turn the Internet world up side down. We will focus on building applications for SNS websites on renren,kaixin001, facebook, and myspace.
We need talented individuals who are hard working, energized, and charged with positive attitude. If you want to be at the forefront of technology, away from the common ones, join us as a member in this revolutionary movement!
我們是一個全新的美國公司,研究的領域在互聯網跟網上交友平臺上。看中了網路的發展,我們決定用新的想法專攻不同的網上交友平臺(如人人網,開心網, Facebook,及Myspace)開發互動型的應用,將現有的平臺變成我們的舞臺。