中山市奧敏電子有限公司是集研發、生產和銷售樓宇對講系統及智能家居產品的高科技企業,是中國公共安全行業標準起草單位(GA/T 678-2007)、中國安全防范產品行業協會常務理事和全國安全防范報警系統標準化技術委員會單位。公司在國內主要城市設立20多個直屬分公司和代理機構,營銷網絡和服務體系覆蓋全國,為客戶提供的集成解決方案和快捷完善的售前、售中、售后服務。籍多年專業經驗、穩定高質量和創新技術贏得良好信譽。
公司秉承 “以客為先,以人為本”經營理念,擁有多項國家專利,成為安防行業的知名品牌。公司榮獲 “中國十大民族智能樓宇品牌”、“十佳安防企業” 、“中國市場公認十佳智能家居暢銷品牌”等多項殊榮。公司嚴格執行ISO9001 2008國際質量管理體系,擁有國際先進的生產及檢驗設備,確保產品質量持續穩定。
如今,與著名品牌SSS SIEDLE斯度強強聯手,斯度產品的創新設計及穩定質量,使奧敏實力更為雄厚,產品附加值持續提升。e時代的奧敏把握產品往網絡化、IT化發展的方向,推出了基于TCP/IP網絡時代的數字系列產品。
Zhongshan Aomin Electronic Co.,Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in developing, manufacturing and distributing interphone system and intelligent household system. Aomin is the drafter of China Public Security Industry Standard (GA/T678-2007), member of China Security Industry & Product Association and National Security Standard Technical Committee (SAC/TC100). Its sales and service network has set up with more than 20 branch companies and agents in main cities of China, to provide integrated solution and prompt services in before, during and after sales. The company enjoys good reputation for years of professional experience, stable top quality and innovative technology.
With motto of “Customer First, Human Technology”, Aomin becomes a famous brand in domestic security and protection industry. The company has been awarded “National Top 10 Intelligent Building Brand”, “Top 10 Security and Protection Company” and “Top 10 Recognized Intelligent Household Best Sell Brands in China”. The ISO certified company has applied advanced inspection and production equipments to guarantee stable top quality.
Aomin cooperates with famous brand SSS SIEDLE. With innovative design and stable quality of SSS SIEDLE, Aomin becomes stronger to upgrade sub-value of products.
In this E-era, Aomin grasps new direction of network and IT to promote new digital series based on TCP/IP. Innovation, Surpass, and Persistence are Aomin spirits. Aomin will continue to satisfy customers with competitive high quality new products.