Gymboree, the Global Leader in Early Childhood Development Program
Gymboree 金寶貝, 1976年成立于美國,是**早教領導品牌.作為美國納斯達克上市公司, 金寶貝在全世界44個國家有700多個教育中心。金寶貝為0到5歲幼兒提供寓教于樂的雙語學習課程, 包括育樂、藝術和音樂等, 引導孩子和父母一起快樂成長。
金寶貝2003年正式進入中國, 目前已在全國成立106個教育中心,并已連續兩年被評為中國早教**品牌。加入金寶貝,員工素質高,工作環境好,氣氛輕松,薪酬待遇高,發展前景好。
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Gymboree, founded in 1976 in the USA, is the global leader in early childhood development program. Based on over 30 years of research and experiment in the field, Gymboree helped families over 44 countries and regions to learn and enjoy early childhood development through music, art, and play. Everyday, over 500,000 families participate in early childhood development programs offered by Gymboree. More than 700 Gyboree centers covering the Americas, Europe, and Asia offer programs which systematically develop a 0-5 year-old child’s potentials, guide young parents to study their child’s growth, and understand the world of infants and children.
Gymboree landed in China in 2003 and so far we have established over 100 centers in China. Gymboree China will continue to expand its business in the coming years planning to establish a total of 200centers in the whole of China. Sign up to become a part of the Gymboree team today!