Changsha EnerTech Energy Solution Co. Ltd
Brief Introduction
Changsha EnerTech Energy Solution Co. Ltd is established comply with China Company Law, Located in Changsha City, the Capital City of Hunan Province, in the Central of China. Changsha EnerTech Energy Solution Co. Ltd (hereafter short as EnerTech) dedicates to apply advantage energy technology invented from China to reduce energy consumption and improve the energy utility efficiency for large industrial customers, reduce House Warming Gas, make our contribution for sustainable development in comfortable way. EnerTech has an experts team constructed with experts & engineers who are rich experiences in power generation, chemical and petro-chemical, foodstuff , sugar produce and center-air-conditioner. Our experts and engineers have success and happy cooperation with many China well-know design institutions, reach institutions and engineering company. We can provide integrated solution for energy saving, and efficiency improvement to Power Plants, Chemical Plant, Petro-Chemical Plants, Foodstuff factory and Sugar Mills, and large hotel and office building, to reduce our client energy consumption. We can do provide integrated, comprehensive energy solution service & EPC by outsource for our client on the following projects:
1. Comprehensive reduce power consumption for Pumps, Fans and Centre Air Conditioner.
2. Energy Recover from waste steam, drain water;
3. Recover energy from Low temperature flue gas of Engine, Boiler etc;
4. Recover Energy from flare gas exhausted from Refinery;
5. Small Co-generation power plant design, construction, and O&M;
6. Efficiency Investigation & Improve for Power Plant, Chemical Plant etc.
7. The equipments & Spare parts of power plant and chemical plant.
Our Successful Case
Process Steam Utility Efficiency Improvement for Yongxing Sugar Mill Plant, Guangxi Province, China; (210t/h Steam, 35MW Power Generation)
Steam Pipe-net modification and Efficiency Improvement for Meiya Tongzhou Co-gent Power Plant, Jiansu Province, China; (180t/h Steam, 30MW Power Generation)
Steam Pipe-net modification and Efficiency Improvement for Meiya Nantong Co-gent Power Plant, Jiansu Province, China; (260t/h Steam, 65MW Power Generation)
Waste Heat Recover Power Plant (6MW) from Huaxiao Glass Kiln, Fujiang Province, China;
Steam System Retrofit for Congzhou Sugar Mill Plant, Guxi Province, China;
Waste Heat Recover Power Plant (8MW) of Lijiapin Cement Plant, Hunan
Province, China.
Waste Heat Utility from Flue Gas Temperature of 130t/h Boiler, Xiantan Steel Mill Plant, Hunan Province, China;
Waste Heat Recover for Starch Produce System, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.
3200KW Condensate Extraction Pump convert to VFD drive to power saving for Longshan Power Plant (2600MW), Hebei Province, China.
Many others projects.
Changsha EnerTech is an energy technology and service provider, our goals is to satisfy your process demand, reduce your energy consumption.
Just tell us what you have and what you want, Changsha EnerTech will make it for you.