Yiwu City Ze political Clothing Co., Ltd.
Yiwu ze zheng clothing co., LTD., is located in is located in the middle of zhejiang province, nantong guangdong, fujian, west of the Yangtze river hinterland, east China's largest city, Shanghai, facing the Pacific golden channel; Also known as the beauty of the countryside of jiangnan, and international research and development of commodity production base - yiwu, zhejiang, our company is a set design, retail, sales, wholesale as one of professional manufacturers, the main products are fashionable leggings, warm pants, high-quality products such as fashionable pantyhose.
義烏市澤政服飾有限公司,坐落于位于浙江省中部,南通廣東、福建,西接長江腹地,東靠中國大城市上海,面對太平洋的黃金通道;又譽為美麗的江南之鄉及國際小商品生產研發基地——浙江義烏,我公司是一家集設計、零售、銷售、批發為一體的專業生產廠家, 主要產品有時尚打底褲,保暖褲, 時尚褲襪等優質產品。
Company always in line with "the quality strives for the survival, innovation for development" of the spirit, the introduction of foreign advanced mechanical equipment, trained a group of professional and technical personnel, in order to "scientific, rigorous, pragmatic" professional spirit, professional research and development to produce a variety of different class of "high quality, low price, novel", beauty of qualitative actor price series products.
百搭神褲、褲型天下 Joker god pants, pants
我們與多家零售商和代理商建立了長期穩定的合作關系,不欺客,服務好回頭客是我們的宗旨。公司一向本著“質量求生存,創新求發展”的精神, 引進國外先進的機械設備,培養了一批專業的技術人員,以“科學、嚴謹、務實”的專業精神,專業研發生產出各種不同檔次的“質優、價廉、新穎”—— 質優價美的系列產品。