SICK is one of the world's leading producers of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications, founded in 1946. With more than 7000 employees globally and 50 subsidiaries, SICK achieved sales of EUR 1,099.8 million in the industry of Factory Automation, Logistics Automation and Process Automation.SICK MAIHAK(Beijing)Co., Ltd., founded in 2002 with EUR 2.6 million of registration capital and 5000㎡occupation, headquartered in Beijing, and 3 branch offices located in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu. Aim to be an excellent equipment supplier, professional solution and service provider as the Regional Competence Center for Asia & Pacific.德國SICK AG集團公司成立于1946年,是**的傳感器和分析儀器系統制造商,是工業自動化領域的技術和市場領導者之一。目前集團公司雇員約7000人,業務遍及**,涉及工廠自動化(Factory Automation)、物流自動化(Logistics Automation)和過程自動化(Process Automation)三大領域,年銷售額達數億歐元。為順應中國市場的迅速發展和**經濟一體化的趨勢,2002年12月德國SICK MAIHAK公司在北京建立了分公司即西克麥哈克(北京)儀器有限公司。公司注冊資金260萬歐元,經營場所約五千平方米。除位于北京的總部及生產基地外,在上海、深圳和成都還設立辦事處,為中國及周邊亞洲國家和地區提供高品質的產品、應用解決方案及相關技術支持與服務。