About Colliers InternationalColliers International Group Inc. (NASDAQ and TSX: CIGI) is an industry leading global real estate services company with 15,000 skilled professionals operating in 68 countries. With an enterprising culture and significant employee ownership, Colliers professionals provide a full range of services to real estate occupiers, owners and investors worldwide. Services include strategic advice and execution for property sales, leasing and finance; global corporate solutions; property, facility and project management; workplace solutions; appraisal, valuation and tax consulting; customized research; and thought leadership consulting.Colliers professionals think differently, share great ideas and offer thoughtful and innovative advice that help clients accelerate their success. Colliers has been ranked among the top 100 outsourcing firms by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals’ Global Outsourcing for 11 consecutive years, more than any other real estate services firm. At the International Property Awards – Asia Pacific 2016, Colliers was awarded 18 accolades across the region including the Best Property Consultancy Awards in Asia, China, Indonesia, Myanmar and Philippines. Colliers has been named top overall advisor and consultant in China by renowned financial publication, Euromoney, for five consecutive years since 2012.高力國際集團公司(納斯達克證券交易所及多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CIGI)是行業的**房地產服務公司,在**68個國家擁有15,000名專業人員。憑借銳意進取的企業文化和顯著的內部股權比例,高力國際致力于向世界各地的房地產用戶、業主及投資者提供全面的優質服務,包括物業銷售、租賃及融資戰略建議和執行;**企業解決方案;物業、設備設施及項目管理;辦公空間解決方案;評估、估價及稅務顧問服務;量身定制的研究服務;以及思維領導力咨詢服務。高力國際專業人員不斷創新思維、交流共享,向客戶提供周到創新的建議,協助客戶加速他們的成功。高力國際超過任何其他房地產服務公司,連續11年入圍IAOP(國際外包協會)**外包100強。在2016年度國際物業大獎(亞太區)評選中,高力國際囊括18個獎項,包括亞洲、中國、印度尼西亞、緬甸和菲律賓的佳房地產顧問與咨詢公司獎。自2012年起,高力國際連續五年被《歐洲貨幣》評選為中國區佳房地產咨詢公司。