浙江大學管理學院學科覆蓋管理學門類的2個一級學科:管理科學與工程、工商管理。其中管理科學與工程為國家重點學科,工商管理為浙江省重點學科;學院擁有管理科學與工程、工商管理2個一級學科博士點和創業管理、技術與創新管理2個二級學科博士點;擁有創新管理與持續競爭力研究國家哲學社會科學創新基地。學院以創新、創業為特色,設立有浙江大學**浙商研究院、浙江大學**創業研究中心、浙江大學數據分析和管理國際研究中心等多個校級交叉學科研究中心和校級研究所。??????? 依托雄厚的學科力量,學院在科學研究和社會服務等方面不斷開拓進取。2000年以來,學院承擔的包括國家社科基金重大項目、國家杰出青年科學基金項目、國家自然科學基金重點項目、國家自然科學基金重大國際合作項目、國家社科基金重點項目以及其它國家級項目數居于國內高校前列,同時完成大量政府及企事業單位委托的研究項目。??????? 作為中國大陸首家獲得國際認證的商學院,浙江大學管理學院目前已通過AACSB、EQUIS、AMBA三大國際認證和中國高質量MBA教育認證,并且在**商學院重要的三大認證中均獲長5年期。 以“培養引領中國未來發展的健康力量”為己任,學院在國際合作、學術研究、人才培養、社會責任等方面所開展的一系列前瞻、積極、務實的創新,使之成為一所各界菁英匯聚的著名智庫和人才庫。??????? ??????? The School of Management of Zhejiang University conducts teaching and research in two first-tier disciplines according to the disciplinary catalogue developed by the Ministry of Education. They are Management Sciences and Engineering (MSE), and Business Administration (BA). The School has strong teaching and research capabilities in these disciplines. For example, its MSE is identified as a key discipline of the national level, its BA a key discipline of the provincial level. The School offers Ph.D. programs in all two first-tier disciplines; in addition, it offers Ph.D. programs in two second-tier disciplines which are Entrepreneurship Management (EM) and Technology and Innovation Management (TIM). The School has a national-level research center: the National Institute for Innovation Management (NIIM). To facilitate research collaborations both between and within specified fields, the School has also established ten university-level interdisciplinary research centers, such as the Academy of Global Zhejiang Entrepreneurs, and the Zhejiang University Global Entrepreneurship Research Center, International Research Center for Data Analytics and Management, as well as twelve university-level research groups.???????? The School makes social contributions by providing higher education, conducting research and providing social services, and in these respects the School has made continuous and sustainable advances. For example, since 2000, the number of major national research grants (for instance grants categorized as major or key projects from the National Social Sciences Fundation and the National Natural Sciences Fundation) that the School’s faculty has obtained takes the leading position among Chinese institutes of higher education. The School has also undertaken a large number of projects commissioned by government organizations, private businesses and state-owned enterprises. ??????? ??????? The School is the first business school in China that gains international accreditation (AMBA accreditation in 2006). At present, the School is accredited by three major international accreditation institutions (AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA) on five-year terms, and by one important domestic accreditation institution (the CAMEA of the Ministry of Education).??????? The School takes as its mission to cultivate the healthy power leading the future of China. It continues to make innovative and proactive moves in furthering international collaborations, conducting research, nurturing students and fulfilling social responsibilities. The School is well on its way to become a leading think tank and talent pool in China.