地中海郵輪隸屬于**第二大集裝箱船運公司地中海航運。作為**的郵輪公司,地中海郵輪現擁有12艘現代化郵輪的船隊。地中海郵輪在**范圍內開展業務,迄今乘客已經突破一百二十萬人次。地中海郵輪全年航行于地中海,并季節性的航行于北歐,遠洋航線,加勒比海,北美及加拿大,南美,印度洋,南北非,阿拉伯海灣。公司是一家歐洲本土企業。目前共有12,000員工遍布世界各地43個國家。地中海郵輪一直致力于為乘客提供舒適奢華的正統意大利式服務,更擁有在業界獨一無二的MSC YACHT CLUB 貴賓套房。地中海郵輪還是世界上唯一一家獲得由必維法國國際檢驗局(世界知名的質量管理及環保認證機構)頒發的“6金珍珠獎“的公司。地中海郵輪還獲得了在船上和岸上質量管理方面的ISO 9001證書及食品安全方面的ISO2000證書。地中海郵輪為了讓郵輪業務更深入地在中國市場得到推廣以及為母港郵輪做準備,2009年底,與當今**大的港口集團上港集團合資成立了滬上首家合資郵輪旅行社--地中海郵輪旅行社(上海)有限公司,落戶北外灘。作為地中海郵輪在中國地區的子公司及總代理,地中海郵輪旅行社(上海)有限公司全面負責地中海郵輪在中國市場的票務銷售、市場推廣等商業活動。MSC Cruises is the market leading cruise company in the Mediterranean, South Africa and Brazil. The 12 ships comprising its ultra-modern fleet carry 1.2 million passengers. MSC Cruises sails throughout the year in the Mediterranean and offers a wide range of seasonal itineraries. The company is entirely European-owned. It employs 12,000 staffs around the world and is present in 45 countries. MSC Cruises believes that global leadership brings increased responsibility towards the physical and human environments in which the company operates. Its commitment to safeguarding the marine ecosystem, as well as protecting the health and safety of its passengers and staffs, has earned numerous awards and certifications.Mediterranean Cruise Travel Agency (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Is the joint venture company between MSC Cruises and Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. The company is the only representation of MSC Cruises in mainland China and is responsible to promote MSC cruises business through trade distribution network.