北京匯達譯通翻譯有限公司是一家專注于醫藥學領域的翻譯公司,致力于為客戶提供專業的醫藥學翻譯解決方案。**、優質的翻譯是我們企業的核心競爭力,也是我們贏得客戶信賴的重要因素。公司匯集了從業多年的資深醫藥學翻譯和來自各領域工作崗位的翻譯人士,匯達譯通的翻譯團隊成員主要來自于全國各大醫院、制藥公司和藥廠、醫藥研究機構、藥品注冊機構、國家藥品管理部門等。公司采用“專職為主,兼職為輔”的運作模式,只有在專職員工無法完成的情況下才請長期合作的外部幫助翻譯和審校,目的是更好地保證交稿的及時性和稿件的機密性及一致性。所有稿件均經過嚴格的質量把關,在譯文的方方面面都能體現精細之處。我們的翻譯理念是“專業準確、忠于原文、合乎習慣”,力求“信、達、雅”,您會在合作過程中感受到我們專業的服務。我們鄭重對客戶承諾:守信、守時和保密。多年的醫藥翻譯經驗,嚴格的質量控制流程,專業、高素質的翻譯團隊,確保了匯達譯通翻譯服務的高品質。翻譯領域:藥品(包括疫苗)和醫療器械的注冊資料:行政文件,藥學研究資料(例如:原料藥和制劑的質量標準、生產工藝及驗證、分析方法及驗證、穩定性資料等),藥理毒理研究資料,**研究資料(例如:**試驗方案、研究者手冊、**研究報告、統計分析計劃、知情同意書),藥品說明書,定期安全性更新報告(PSUR)等。體外診斷產品:診斷試劑和血液分析儀等化妝品和保健食品注冊相關法規、技術指導原則、新聞稿、培訓資料、法律合同等注冊代理:由資深注冊專員為制藥企業提供注冊代理和注冊咨詢服務。Beijing Huidayitong Translation Co., Ltd. is a professional companyspecialized in medical and pharmaceutical translation and interpretation. Since it was founded, the company has provided translation and interpretation services for many customers of such industries and won wide and high praise. Efficient and high-quality translation is our core competitive advantage, it is also an important reason for we win the trust of customers. Our translators include experts, professors, Doctors of Medicine and Pharmacy from famous medical, pharmaceutical universities and colleges, senior practitioners from research institutions industry. The Company adopt operation mode of “based on full-time translators, supported by part-time ones, to more greatly ensure the On-Time delivery and the confidentiality and consistency of the document. All documents are subject to strict quality control. Our pursuit in translation is “professional, faithfulness to the original text and being natural to the native speakers of a foreign language”. We adhere to the three basic principles of translation, i.e. faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. You will feel our specialized service in the process of cooperation. We undertake to provide a translation service to our clients in a faithful, punctual and confidential manner. Our experience in medical translation for years, strict process of quality control and the professional and qualified translation teams ensure the high quality of the translation service provided by Beijing Huidayitong Translation Co., Ltd.Translation:Registration dossiers of drug (including vaccine) and medical device: administrative documents, pharmaceutical research data (e.g. Specification, manufacturing process and validation, analytical procedure and validation, and stability data of drug substances and drug products, etc.), pharmacology and toxicology studies, clinical study data (e.g. protocol, Investigator’s Brochure, Clinical Study Report and Statistical Analysis Plan, ICF), Package Insert, Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR), etc.In vitro diagnostic products: diagnostic reagents and blood analyzer, etcCosmetics and Health foodLaws and regulations, technical guidelines, press releases, training materials, contracts, etcRegistration agency:Provide registration agency and consulting services by senior specialist