我們是這樣開始的。。。。。 悅田幼兒發展中心(Morgan Rothschild Academy)是由我們園長率領一群熱衷于幼兒教育工作的同仁們一起建立起來的。我們園長與幼兒教育的淵源肇自其攻讀幼兒教育學碩士學位的美國哈佛大學學習期間。早在研究所時,曾主修腦神經學、認知心理學與幼兒教育學的應用。 在美國哈佛大學求學時的導師主要有著名的兒童心理學之父皮亞杰(Jean Piaget)的門生Dr. Eleanor Duckworth, 哈佛大學教育學院院長Dr. Kathleen McCartney以及多元智能理論的創始人Dr. Howard Gardner (加德納博士)。 悅田幼兒發展中心是全中國**家由美國哈佛大學幼兒心理學教育碩士Mr.Morgan Huang(黃杰禧先生)創辦并管理的。本中心擁有中外師資隊伍,均達到學前教育專業本科與大專學歷,以及多年的幼兒教育工作經驗。 本中心座落于某別墅內,四周擁有大片綠地供幼兒玩耍。 歡迎有志于幼兒教育事業的刻苦青年教師共同加入我們的隊伍,來共同開創此項有意義的舉措。 Founded in 2005, the Morgan Rothschild Academy operates as an early childhood education program based in Shanghai, China. Of the 60 students who currently attend the Morgan Rothschild Academy, all are between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old. Furthermore, many of the students are the children of executives who work for Global Fortune 500 companies such as General Motors, Goldman Sachs, Volkswagen, and Google. At the academy, kindergarteners, toddlers, and pre-schoolers receive instruction in a variety of curriculum that includes High Scope educational materials, as well as those provided by Pearson Publishing. While the program is headquartered in China, 70 percent of the instructions are given in English. The other 30 percent are provided in Chinese. In addition to its involvement in early childhood education, the academy is also an active supporter of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (AmCham). In 2011 and 2012, the school was one of the top three sponsors at AmCham’s annual Fourth of July celebrations.