值得信賴的信諾集團?Signode Industrial Group-信諾工業包裝集團成立于1913年,總部位于美國芝加哥,是一家擁有百年歷史的制造業公司。信諾工業包裝集團是**大的工業包裝公司,在**超過45個國家擁有88個研發、制造中心,員工近7000人。目前信諾工業包裝集團營業額超過26億美金。?信諾工業包裝集團擁有眾多世界聞名的工業包裝品牌,專注于工業包裝產品的研發和制造,在**工業包裝領域享有盛譽,客戶遍及鋼鐵、有色金屬、棉花、化纖、建材、造紙、容器等行業。無論是包裝設備、工具、耗材,還是總體解決方案,Signode都能為客戶提供專業的和有競爭力的服務。? ? ?Signode一直將中國看作**重要的市場之一。在中國運營30多年,Signode服務中國眾多具有行業地位的公司,致力于持續為客戶創造價值。2012年,Signode在中國青島投資6000余萬元建立了生產基地,并在香港、、上海、廣州、沈陽、新疆等地區設有銷售中心、服務中心等分支機構,滿足客戶及時的采購需求和服務需要。?Our Brands Are Trusted Around the Globe?Signode, established in 1913 in Chicago, is a world leader in providing reliable and innovative protective packaging solutions to customers all over the world. Through proprietary technologies, system solutions, and value added service, Signode has been able to meet the most critical packaging demands in various industries and application including steel, non-ferrous, construction, paper, beverage, fiber, and etc. Currently Signode global sales revenue is 2.6Billion USD.Signode has been operating in China for over 30 years. Our state of the art manufacturing facility in Qingdao was put into operation in year 2012. We provide a complete array of products including hand tool, automatic equipment, consumables, parts and service in this important market through a highly trained team which consists of over 70 professionals.To cope with the fast growth of China construction market, Signode brings its high-performance automatic strapping machine, high-strength PET strap, and most advanced battery tool to meet the packaging demands from Steel, Nonferrous to Fiber Cotton, Brick and Beverage applications. Those products and technologies are proven in western markets for decades and we only make it better in China.