關于IPC自1957以來,IPC一直引導著電子互連行業經歷了巨大的發展。作為一個**性的協會,IPC致力于提升**3800多家會員企業的競爭優勢并幫助他們取得商業上的成功。IPC涉及電子行業的設計、印制板制造、電子組裝與測試等各個領域。作為會員驅動型組織以及行業標準、培訓、市場研究和公共政策倡導的領導者,IPC通過開展各種項目以滿足**產值達2萬億美元的電子行業的需求。IPC**總部設于美國伊利諾伊州的班諾克本,并在陶斯、華盛頓特區、亞特蘭大,比利時的布魯塞爾,瑞典的斯德哥爾摩,俄羅斯的莫斯科,印度的班加羅爾及新德里,中國的青島(亞太總部)、上海、北京、蘇州、深圳,成都以及臺北、泰國的曼谷等地均設有辦事機構。愛比西技術咨詢(上海)有限公司是IPC在中國的全資子公司。Since 1957, IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries has been guiding the electronic interconnection industry through its dramatic changes. A global trade association dedicated to the competitive excellence and financial success of its more than 3,800 member companies, IPC represents all facets of the industry including design, printed board manufacturing, and electronics assembly and test.As a member-driven organization and leading source for industry standards, training, market research and public policy advocacy, IPC supports programs to meet the needs of an estimated $2 trillion global electronics industry. With global headquarters based in Bannockburn, Illinois, USA, IPC maintains additional offices in Taos, N.M.; Washington, D.C.; Atlanta, Ga.; Brussels, Belgium, Stockholm, Sweden; Moscow, Russia; Bangalore and New Delhi, India; Bangkok, Thailand; and Qingdao (China headquarters), Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Suzhou and Beijing, China and Taiwan Taipei.