??Affiliated to theworld’s largest cruise company Carnival Corporation & plc, Costa Cruises isthe largest Italian travel group and Europe’s No.1 cruise company. For 66 yearsthe ships of Costa Cruises have plied the seas of the world, offering the bestin Italian style, hospitality and cuisine and providing dream holidays with theutmost in terms of fun and relaxation.Its fleet, the largest in Europe, has a total of 14 ships in service, flyingthe Italian flag, and 1 new ship to be delivered in October 2014.In July 2006,Costa launched the first cruise itinerary home-ported from Shanghai to Japanand Korea, thus becoming the first international cruise liner authorized tooperate in China. As of end of 2013, Costa operated over 400 Chinesehome-ported cruise departures with up to 500,000 Chinese passengers experiencingthe Italian-style Cruise holiday. The passenger satisfaction has reached over98%. 隸屬于世界郵輪業翹楚嘉年華集團,歌詩達郵輪集團公司是意大利大的旅游集團、歐洲**的郵輪公司。66年來,歌詩達郵輪的船隊游弋于世界各大海洋,用純正的意式熱情服務和饕餮美食為世界各地的乘客奉獻了愉快輕松、充滿意大利風情的夢幻之旅。目前,作為歐洲大的郵輪公司,歌詩達旗下船隊共擁有14艘在役郵輪,且另有1艘郵輪在建,并將于2014年10月加入船隊。2006年7月,歌詩達開設了以上海為母港的往返于中日韓之間的郵輪航線,歌詩達郵輪成為首家以中國為母港運營的國際郵輪公司,此舉也奠定了歌詩達作為中國郵輪行業的領軍者的地位。截止2013年底,歌詩達在中國市場的航次已到達400余個,近500,000名的中國游客登上歌詩達郵輪,體驗了充滿意式風情的浪漫假期,客戶滿意度始終保持在98%以上。如需了解更多公司和職位信息,請關注微信公眾號:歌詩達郵輪亞洲菁英薈