公司簡介/Company Profile:? ? 大連博翔管理咨詢有限公司是一家從事外企財務服務性的工作實體,相關工作人員具有多年的外企工作經驗,熟知國內外企業財稅政策和工作流程;可以用英語作為工作語言與國外投資方直接溝通,提供企業各種財務服務,內容包括成本管控、流程優化等咨詢性服務,按需求提供不同的財務數據報表和能力分析報告等。另外,我們也可以提供英漢翻譯和賬務實戰培訓等服務。Dalian Boxiang Corporate ServicesLimited is an solid entity which provides financial services to the foreign invested enterprises (FIEs) in Dalian; our employees are engaged in financial work for many years, very familiar with the domestic accounting & tax regulations for FIEs; meanwhile, English can be our working language, we can directly communicate with the foreigners, providing English financial services, including Cost Control, Process Optimization and so on; furthermore, making ?financial reports & data analysis as required...In addition, we can also provide bilingual language translation services and the accounting coaching to the needed.培訓課程/Courses Arrangement:*外企財務實戰/Booking Practice for FIEs' Accounting (學費:1200RMB)*英語會計培訓/Accounting Coaching in English ? ? ? ?(學費:1800RMB)*財務軟件學習/Accounting Software Study - SAP or KD (學費:1600RMB)聯系方式/Contact Information: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??TEL: ?0411-39153707MP: ? 13889644675(wechat)QQ: ? 1781497503E-mail: 1781497503@qqboxiangzixun?Add:大連高新園區總部-高新街9號晟輝大廈509室