????? 茵德斯是一家致力于創造人類信賴產品的荷蘭工業設計公司。公司英文名“INDES”,是由“Industrial”工業和“Design”設計組合而成的詞,欲言茵德斯為工業設計為生。創新精神和工程能力是茵德斯堅強的實力。??? 茵德斯總部位于歐洲荷蘭。成立于1987年。主要設計三大系列產品:醫療器械;人文關懷;電動交通。在歐洲業界,以設計創造性與實用性結合的產品和工藝著稱,并與PHILIP等為長期合作伙伴,屬于公認的資深設計名家。??? 茵德斯2008年入駐寧波和豐創意廣場,開始實現海外開發的**步。在進行設計與咨詢的同時,開發生產,實現多元化與一體化的相結合。2012年4月,茵徳斯已經成功地在寧波設立了全資公司。??? 茵德斯擁有一個年輕的熱情的團隊,積極創新的工作氛圍。每一個有夢想的人,都能在茵德斯找到自己的大舞臺。??? 在我們企業逐漸邁向卓越時,我們希望迎來不斷自我挑戰的你。讓這種極具優越感的自信通過我們共同打造的產品傳遞給所有使用過,見識過,欣賞過我們產品的人。Creating products people rely onIndes is a partner for product development and delivery with main office in the Netherlands and a fast growing office in Ningbo China.We design, construct and implement innovative products, with a focus on Human Care Medical Cure User Comfort. We realize there are products for future users really make a difference in their daily lives. Examples of projects include: medical equipment, aids for the care and electric bicycles. The Indes 'virtual factory'? includes a compact and agile development process for seamless integration into production. This 'virtual factory' consists of assembly sites in the Netherlands and China and a carefully constructed network of preferred suppliers.Indes Production Management Ningbo/ China provides design, production engineering, purchasing, production to supply of various products for our clients.Working at IndesIndes Ningbo is a young, energetic organization, part of an international organization, fast growing and consisting of a team of around 25 enthusiastic colleagues working for clients from abroad mainly.The atmosphere is innovative, inspiring and informal with plenty of opportunities to grow with us on personal and professional level. We offer an attractive salary package with adequate additional benefits.Indes has established his WOFE successfully on April, 2012.