美國瀾德斯國際(LANDS Design International)始創于1978年,是一家注冊在美國、中國內地、澳大利亞、加拿大、荷蘭、中國香港和中國等地的國際性規劃設計公司,總部位于美國古老的城市-波士頓。公司主要從事城市規劃、城市設計、建筑設計、景觀設計、風景園林規劃設計,以及工程咨詢顧問等相關業務。經過30年的發展,在城市與區域規劃設計、土地利用規劃與策劃、旅游度假區規劃項目、城市公共空間規劃設計、商業區綜合開發項目、居住社區環境景觀規劃設計、生態與綠地規劃項目等各領域取得了輝煌的業績,并得到了廣泛的認可。
American International LANDS, founded in 1978, is an international planning and design company registered in the United States, China, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and headquartered in the oldest city of the United States - Boston. The main business of the company involves in urban planning, urban design, architectural design, landscape design, Landscape Architecture Planning and Design, as well as engineering consultants, and other related businesses. After 30 years of developing, the company got splendid achievement and widely recognized in lots of areas such as urban and regional planning in the design, planning and land use planning, tourism, vacation planning, urban planning and design of public space, commercial development projects, community living environment, landscape design, ecological planning and green space projects.
LANDS International (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. is a design and planning institution in China that registered by LANDS international in Tianjin, and it is also one of the major offices in Asia. The master designers of LANDS international have gotten together in Tianjin to group the most updated and the most potential creativity design and planning team.Our major planning designers, who had assisted the top international masters in the past several years, have larruping international backgrounds combined with Chinese traditional culture and experience in USA, Australia, Japan, and Europe, which make them outcome from ordinary American or British style designers. In additional with their punctiliousness for the local folks, abundant on-site experience, and the essentially control for the design fundament, we do believe that LANDS International (Tianjin) can provides our customers with unique help and unequal value.
Design process
We are convinced that the team's results are far greater than the sum of individual efforts.
Our advantage lies in the quality of staff and a wide range of experience, is also regarded as a creative collaboration to solve problems, follow the highest standards of service, as well as for our customers and add value to the cause. We have reflected these in a professional and multi-disciplinary team can undertake large scale and complexity of the wide range of skills required for the project.
Our design and planning principles are rooted in environment science, in our respect to the local environment and folk culture of the project, and our excellent management in each step of the project and extensive quality control in the whole process.
Over the years, we have a wide range of works that ensure consistent quality, which proved that in our service to customers, business strategic and economic objectives, we concentrate on our work with open mind.
We have the process transparent, simple to adopt a phased approach, we need to clients and staff continued participation and support in order to ensure logical to work.
Email :landshr@126