Guangzhou ThreeD lntelligent Technology Co., Ltd is one of the best professional manufacturers specializing in all kinds of 3D products. We provide 3D products series of deep 3D effect & high definition, such as: 3D Cards, 3D Pictures, Decoration Image, 3D Stationery, 3D Posters & Signs, Lenticular Stickers, 3D Fridge Magnet, document file, mouse pad/mouse mat, 3D trademark, 3D hologram trademark, 3D anti-counterfeit hologram trademark etc.With the philosophy of harmony and mutual benefit, we honor our credibility and value the quality of our products. By means of technology improvement and attentive service, we aim to satisfy our customers needs and help people pursue a better life.Guangzhou Dongchenlihua Smart Card Co., Ltd boasts high-tech equipments, high-grade management, professional design team and skillful staff, and is ready to provide the customers with high standard design, packaging solutions and consultation services.Supported by first-rate technology and enlightened philosophy, plus the hardworking employees and trust from our customers, we grow rapidly and are now striving to grow together with you, our respectable customers.Our perfect quality control system ensures the products to obtain the high quality safeguard and high reputation in the industry both at home and abroad. 廣州思芮迪智能科技有限公司成立于2009年,公司座落于繁華的廣州天河區,工廠位于交通便利的新塘鎮塘美工業區。公司一直致力于立體印刷產品的研發、設計、生產和銷售,至今有七年的歷程。通過近幾年的快速發展,公司已成為國內外知名的3D立體制品企業。2013年工廠完善了從原材料的生產及生產制造工藝的整條高科技流水線,公司通過與阿里巴巴的合作,產品遠銷亞洲、歐美、俄羅斯、澳洲、東南亞、中東等國家和地區,國外合作商近70家。通過廣交會的推廣,目前已成為10余家大型國外買家的長期合作伙伴。 公司本著年輕化、專業化、高質化的用人宗旨,組建了一支的銷售隊伍,擁有大批高素質人才,公司的全體員工本著“真誠、負責、分享,共贏”的企業宗旨,通過自主開發,科學合理的業務流程,規范化、標準化的操作,竭誠為廣大客戶提供優質的產品服務,力爭成為3D印刷行業的領導者,實現公司的整體價值,從而成為行業中的主導力量,為行業的發展作出應有的貢獻。 如果你有夢想,請加入我們。 如果你是能人,請加入我們。 如果你想有所作為,請加入我們。公司地址:廣州市天河區大觀南路26號(地鐵:4號線黃村站)(公交:黃村路口站B4、B4A、B4B、B22、B26。下車后往奧林匹克中心方向前行200米)