Transport, power and grid transmission play a pivotal role in sustainable development of society. These three infrastructure markets share the same concern: the need to strike a balance in combining economic and social development with enhanced environmental protection.
Alstom Group is a global leader in equipment and services for rail transport, power and power transmission and, and it is recognized for innovative, environmentally friendly solutions. The Group employs 93,000[1] people in around 100 countries and regions. In fiscal year 2012/13 (as of March 31, 2013), Alstom booked ?23.8 billion of orders, up 10% compared to last year. Sales, at ?20.3 billion, showed a 2% growth compared to last year. The net result increased to ?802 million, up 10% compared to last year[2].
Alstom China offers comprehensive rail transport, power generation as well as transmission solutions and is a long-term dedicated partner of China’s rail transport, power and transmission infrastructure industry in the past 50 years. By joining hands with Chinese partners, Alstom enables customers to be more competitive, efficient and environmentally friendly. Alstom presents in China through more than 20 entities with around 10,000 employees.
阿爾斯通是**軌道交通、電力設備和電力傳輸基礎設施領域的企業,以創新環保的技術而聞名。阿爾斯通集團足跡遍布**100余個國家和地區,員工總數約93000名[3]。2012/13財年中,集團新斬獲的訂單總額高達238億歐元,與去年相比增長了10%。本財年銷售額為203億歐元,與去年相比增長了2%。凈收益利潤額升至8.02億歐元,與去年相比增長了10 %[4]。