The Paning Centennial Foundation (Institution Code: 07411588-X,
registered in Being, P.R. China) was founded by Mr. Paning Wong in order
to promote Chinese Art and Culture across the globe, as well as to
donate educational resources to under-privileged students across China.
As part of its "One Million Dreams, One Million Champions
Program", the Foundation has donated books and teaching
equipment to more than 500 impoverished schools located
across China. The Foundation has also provided over 1,000
financial scholarships to Chinese universities, such as China
University of Petroleum and Minzu University of China, to
local students.
Art Donation
Based on Mr. Wong's big collection on Chinese woodblock prints,
Paning Foundation has published two books "For
the Love of China, Volume I & II". As part of the promotion
of Chinese art and culture, the Foundation has donated
woodblock prints to over 200 institutions and universities,
including Harvard University, Oxford University, University
of Coimbra, Tokyo University and the Guggenheim Museum.
基于王柏年先生個人在中國版畫藝術方面的海量收藏,柏年基金會迄今已出版《愛我中華——中國版畫藏品集》I & II 兩冊。 作為基金會藝術傳播的重要部分,目前為止我們已向**超過200所知名文化藝術機構、大學捐贈了大量的相關藝術品及畫冊為后者收藏。這其中包括:哈佛大學、牛津大學、科英布拉大學(葡萄牙)、東京大學及古根海姆美術館等。
Since the first donation in 1996 in China, Paning Foundation has been
committed to its philanthropic effort following the value of 'Wisdom, Love, and Devotion'.
We've yet acquired achievement in 5 categories of charity and cultural projects as below:
- University Students Grants
- Handicapped Projects
- Read for China
- Classroom of Fine Art
- For the Love of China
自1996年首次捐助起,柏年基金會秉持“智慧 大愛 奉獻”的價值理念,始終專注于公益文化事業,并主要在以下5大項目上取得了成績:
— 大學生助學金
— 助殘計劃
— 為中國而讀
— 美術室
— 愛我中華 版畫傳播