Founded in Beijing, the capital of China,Sino-Search is performing as a Leader in Executive Recruitment in Great China and other Asian countries and regions, by serving clients national and worldwide with a team which has conducted more than 500 senior level searches in this energetic market with booming needs of talented and brilliant leaders and professionals.<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" ></table>Sino-Search has a global consultant’s network in 5 main cities in Asia: Beijing, Shanghai,Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Singapore with diversity and global perspective in its corporate structure of partnership. Each partner team is responsible for managing local project execution and coordinating between teams throughout our global networks when clients needs cross borders, while at all times holding to strictest professional codes. In this manner, we achieve consistent quality standards and methodology practice, as well as bring both a global vision and key local knowledge to each project.<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" ></table>賽諾思哲總部坐落于中國的首都北京,旨在成為獵頭行業在中國以及亞太市場的領軍企業。賽諾思哲主要服務于國內外的知名跨國企業,致力于幫助客戶尋訪人才。截至目前,賽諾思哲的顧問已經累計幫助客戶成功完成了超過500名的獵頭職位。賽諾思哲擁有**性的顧問網絡,在亞太地區的五大主要城市-北京、上海、廣州,香港和新加坡都有良好的人脈資源。為實現企業的**化和多樣化定位,賽諾思哲團隊不斷完善各地區團隊建設和資源的整合,這對項目的執行和協調起著至關重要的作用,旨在為客戶的跨境,跨地區業務提供 好的獵頭服務。我們能夠始終堅持職位操作質量和操作規程一致,并且將國際視野和主要地區的經驗知識應用于每一個項目。