鷹搏藍天公司的宗旨為“一步”和“多做一點”。“一步”是指創新,公司以市場為導向,不斷推出新產品,同時對原有產品進行升級和換代,從而保持在 行業的地位。“多做一點”為指服務,鷹搏藍天的服務永遠比用戶期待的要多,從而贏得固定的客戶群。在鷹搏藍天,贏得客戶的贊譽要比贏利更為重要。
Eaglesky Technology Co., Ltd. is a simulative company specialized in developing, manufacturing and distributing of various series of sport simulative systems; a retailer of sports equipment & carnival products. We provided the clients novel and amazing amusement experiences while remain the features sports.
Eaglesky Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech corporation with a large scale manufacturing, R&D and exhibition center. With many proprietary technologies we provided series and classified products facing to leisure center, fitness club, gymnasium, amusement center etc. These systems are training supplement for sportsman; fitness & amusement games for general public. You can even hold an indoor sports ceremony by using the simulative systems.
As the leading sport simulative & leisure equipment manufacture, we are welcome to any of your suggestions, advice on our products and market development.
Our mission statement is “better products”; “more action”.
“Better product”: We aimed to developing new products and update existing version in a high speed according to market demand, which enable the company holding the position of market leader.
“More action”: We tend to provide services more than customers’ satisfaction. In Eaglesky, Customers’ satisfaction is far more important than profits