廣州市紛鴻酒業有限公司(C.Estate winery)成立于始2011年,是一家加拿大外資獨資企業。公司專注做進口酒并重視產品質量,是廣州地區唯一一家有進出口權及生產罐裝酒的酒類公司。只經營優質的原瓶進口葡萄酒、冰酒、洋酒,致力發展中國葡萄酒、洋酒業務。公司廠房坐落于廣州市白云區鐘落潭鎮,擁有生產及營業面積500平米廠區、先進的生產線設施及恒溫酒窖。
C.Estate Winery is a WFOE (Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise) based in the Baiyun district of Guangzhou, Guangdong. Our primary business is the vinification of wine in our production facility as well as import and export of various products also within the F&B (Food & Beverage) industry, focusing mainly on alcohol, from around the world. We are seeking young professionals who are innovative and intelligent.
Candidates will need to possess strong communication skills (multi-lingual is ideal), be initiative and innovative in plans and promotions, and execute tasks and projects in a fast and precise manner.
Our company will help guild you through your career and direct you to make the most of your skills.