廣州美新紡織有限公司(Muse Textile Co. Ltd)是快速發展的集紡織、印染、銷售于一體的創業型紡織品企業,主要產品是休閑女裝、套裝等的面料。六年來,公司立足珠三角市場的開發與拓展,敏銳把握市場無限商機,整合銷售渠道網絡及國內生產供應鏈體系,逐步向匯集供應鏈整合、紡織品批發、紡織品零售、連鎖店及賣場銷售網絡運營、品牌運營等多維度模式轉變。憑借公司實力及先發優勢,快速搶占眾多新興市場。
Muse Textile, which was established in 2006, is a professional textile trading enterprises. Company has been based on Pearl River Delta market from its inception. In recent years, we actively explore the other domestic market, with a good reputation and quality of service. The company continued to grow gradually from a small trading company into a large trading company. The total amount of annual sales had passed "100 million Yuan" milestone.
In Muse Textile Company, People are the core strength of the growth and development. We are already proud of our people culture, and we are committed to doing even more. Our people tell us that our inclusive work culture, our global mindset and our focus on quality make Muse Textile a great place to work and build their careers. Now, we are still improving the effectiveness of our teams, our relationship building and our provision of high-calibre people.
Muse Textile is aiming to rank among first-class enterprises of China textile, and becoming the fashion textile pioneer of the industry.