Traveler's Coffee Company is renowned for its expertise and leadership in the international coffee market. On an annual basis Traveler’s Coffee is consistently awarded coffee industry championships for its coffee roasting and barista prowess. Traveler's Coffee’s experienced roasters and precision technologies achieve extraordinary end-to-end quality control “from coffee plantation to coffee house”
Traveler’s pursues a level of onsite expertise that many brands do not. Not only has Traveler’s Coffee earned the industry’s highest certifications, but it also delivers fresh authentic world cuisine and European style pastry.
途美樂咖啡以其在國際咖啡市場的專業力和領導力而著名。途美樂咖啡擁有經驗豐富的烘焙師及實現“從咖啡種植園到咖啡館”的質量控制終端。途美樂咖啡不僅獲得了咖啡業界高的有機種植認證、雨林聯盟認證和公平貿易認證, 而且為您提供新鮮的世界美食、歐式糕點和棒的咖啡。
Traveler’s Coffee is now spread across eight countries. Its corporate headquarters for China is located in Ningbo. Traveler’s Coffee's immediate development plan includes opening 10 coffeehouses in Ningbo with further expansion of 18 coffeehouses throughout the region.
We invite applications from individuals passionate about coffee, food, pastry and the highest standards in food and service quality. We welcome you to join the Traveler’s Coffee team in China!
At present Traveler's coffe has two coffeehouses in Ningbo. One is in Gulou, another one is in Tianyi.