作為國內一家的咨詢公司, 諍信咨詢專注于市場研究, 知識產權保護 和 商業調查 三大領域。諍信咨詢的前身為一家中外合資企業,其專業背景及國際化運作體制,決定了諍信人開闊的眼界、富有創造力的精神、客戶至上的服務理念、嚴以律己的工作態度。 1999 年,重組后的諍信咨詢成為一家本地的民營企業,原有的國際化運作體制結合現在的社會及政府關系,讓諍信咨詢的發展如虎添翼。
諍信咨詢立足上海,輻射北京分部及位于廣州、深圳、杭州、寧波、南京、武漢、鄭州、成都、西安、烏魯木齊等十大城市的辦事處,形成一個全國性的調查研究網絡。諍信擁有 70 名專職研究人員, 500 名專屬的各領域科學技術,業已取得多個國內研究團體的會員資格。
Sunfaith is one of the nation's preeminent consulting firm concentrated in three fields: Market Research, Intellectual Property Protection and Commercial Enquiry Services.
Starting from a joint-venture with an international background in 1996, Sunfaith has been endowed with a highly professional and internationalized service level, expressed concretely in our open-mindedness, creativeness, all-time customer-oriented principle and strictly disciplined work habits at all levels of our organization. The year of 1999 witnessed Sunfaith restructured as a fully privately-owned enterprise, which grants Sunfaith incomparable flexibility in integrating its international practices with the capability of adapting to local social management system and handling relationship with local authorities.
Headquartered in Shanghai, Sunfaith established an investigation network consisting of a branch in Beijing and satellite offices in the ten major Chinese cities including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Nanjing, Wu-han, Zhengzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an and Urimuqi. With more than 70 full-time research professionals, a proprietary network of 500 technical and science experts, and national research affiliates, Sunfaith create innovative solutions which enable our clients to generate new ideas, achieve competitive superiority and capitalized on opportunities.