無論是從世界的任何角落出口或者進口貨物到您想要去的地方,都會是一個復雜的,讓您困擾的過程。我們為您提供的是一對一的貼身服務,有專業能力的人員引導您,讓貨物順利完成物流過程。您會對我們的員工有一步步的了解,他們也會對您和您的生意越來越熟悉。這種個人的關系不僅能使運輸的過程更加愉快,也能確保我們可以提供更**率的服務。.美信物流于2002年在深圳成立。在過去的七年中,美信始終致力于為客戶提供滿意的國際貨運代理服務。公司的服務涵蓋了國際空運,海運,快遞業務,另外也可以根據客戶的要求提供整體的物流方案。.having your shipments moving from one location to another can be complicated, confusing and confounding. our team is here to guide your shipment through the maze. we want to be your business partner through perfect communication. this personal relationship derived from this partnership not only makes the process far more pleasant, but ensuring effectiveness and efficiency.. t.h. mason logistics ltd. was established in 2002 in shenzhen. over these years, we have devoted ourselves to provide the satisfactory and reliable international freight forwarding service. our service covers air freight, ocean freight consolidation and courier service. auxiliary services such as pick up, sort & pack and door delivery are available upon request.