Tianjin Yuming Education Center is dedicated to language training, information consult of education, organization of international cultural exchanges, conferences and meetings at all levels of labor export services and integrated entity. Teachers teach foreign language training for the characteristics, advanced teaching methods and enjoyable learning, to create the Yuming, brand education. Yuming education for the city, art, culture and sports that have made an outstanding contribution. The center attended The Tokyo Summit of the Asian Forum on Education Reform 2008 and was named "The Educational Institutions with the Greatest Developmental Potentialties of Aisa in the 21th Century". This constitutes the expansion of China's education and the international impact of the education sector. Yuming education center is recognised top quality for its strength,compliance, standardization and business management. Integrity and efficient management of quality. It promotes cultural exchanges between China and the cause of multilateral international development, enhances, improves, standardizes, and optimizes the business environment to provide quality services ; dedicated to Chinese and foreign economic development, scientific and technological progress, education and cultural exchange visits between high-end institutions to provide first-class service.