In Sept., 2007 Suzhou JET founded in Wuzhong District, Suzhou, Changsaijiao Economic Area, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China.
Suzhou Jet provides EDM processing, wire-cutting, CNC machining of precision facilities, precision jigs and relevant technical services, precision metal parts. Based on the principle “Focus on everything of client”, we have developed as the preferred supplier of so many precision manufacture clients. We will continually provide one-step precision machining services for all customers.
蘇州建騰不僅注重各類精密加工的專業制造,更以不斷提高品質與服務為高宗旨。蘇州建騰堅信只有顧客滿意才能使公司獲得可持續發展,鑒于此,蘇州建騰管理層尤其重視品質系統的策劃與建立,通過全員參與經過長時間的品質系統的運行和持續完善, 目前已逐步建立了從原料接收-生產過程控制-過程檢驗-終檢驗—出廠交付的一整套全制程控制體系。
Suzhou Jet not only focuses on professional development and manufacture of product, but also pays more attention on continual improvement quality and service. Considering as” Suzhou Jet can develop continually only while customer satisfies.” top management especially concern on planning and establishing quality system, Suzhou Jet had established one series management system including raw-material verification, process control, in-process inspection, final inspection, delivery.