港豐源港式火鍋精品肥牛專門店,主營港式火鍋。特聘新派港式火鍋創始人之一楊坤先生主理。楊先生從廚二十余載,長期從事港式火鍋的制作與研究,并深有心得。從而獨創出湯底醇厚、調料獨特,涮品嫩滑、營養均衡,人稱“四絕”之新派港式火鍋,在京城獨樹一幟。本店經營宗旨是為八方來客營造味覺與視覺結合的經典享受。就餐環境時尚、典雅,食品原料精良,加工細膩,突出文化氛圍,成為京城美食苑中又一奇葩。 Kong Fung Yuen Hong Kong-style Hot Pot superior beef expert specially employs Yang Kun, one of the initiators of new Hong Kong-style hotpot. It combines hundreds of quintessence of Hong Kong-style Hot Pot, and creates a new secret soup base and superior beef, which may be rated as one of the most creative in Beijing. The elegant yet pleasing setting makes it the first choice for fashion glutton.We sincerely welcome our clients home and abroad to have a taste and advise.